Handmade paper products are made up of sapling stick of about
6 ft in
height which are found in the altitude between 6000 to 10000 ft over the
hilly region of Nepal .It is harvested like sugarcane by leaving 1 ft stem
They are specified as Lokta . The Lokta has specific character of
re - growing to maturity again within four years after harvesting leading in
no harm to the environment .
Process involved in preparing the paper
Lokta bark layer in set apart from the main Lokta stick and let it
sink in clean water after tiding up small bundles.
Surface dressing is done with a sharp
knife by shaving it�s upper surface to make it soft smooth and clean.
Then Lokta tapes dissolves in hot boiling
water and turns to a thick pile and then washed in clean cool water.
Lokta piles then are bitten by wooden
hammer to turn it into a sticky and muddy Lokta .
- Lokta pulp glue then made by adding required quantity of clean water .
- The Lokta Pulp glue is poured on to the frame plate .
- The frame is kept
in sunlight for 2 to 8 hours
in order to dry .
- Finally , dry paper sheets are taken
out from the frame